3 Pillars of Strength Wins Best Self-Help Book at 2nd Annual Author Award Ceremony!


I am proud to announce that I WON the Best Self-Help Book award at Richter Publishing’s 2nd Annual Tampa Bay Author Award Ceremony & Book Gala! This event recognizes published authors from the Tampa Bay area who are making a difference in the community with their books.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my family and friends for sharing in my joy and honor last night. I would also like to acknowledge the rest of my supporters for making this achievement possible!

I am grateful for your generous kindness and support, and appreciate your enthusiasm for health & fitness!

The 3 Pillars of Strength: It’s Time!

It’s time to be the best person you can be, for YOU to reach your FULL potential. It’s time to realize that the ONLY thing really holding you back from achieving your dreams is YOU! Develop “The 3 Pillars of Strength” in your life today and reach heights you never thought possible!

Get your copy of “The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness” today!

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Tips for Flu Season

Flu season is fast approaching, and since there’s no known cure for the influenza virus, practicing good health habits is key to preventing the flu—e.g., regularly washing your hands, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and covering your cough.

jeff-white-fluBut, is it only about protection? What do you do pre-flu season? What about prevention?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), getting vaccinated each year is the “single best way to prevent the seasonal flu.” However, the safety and prevention of the flu vaccine are still widely debated.

Yet, what isn’t debatable is that prevention is the best line of defense. Whether or not you’ve decided to get vaccinated this year, there are still other, more practical options to ward off the virus.

WATCH my latest fitness video (below) to learn how you can build a solid defense against the cold and flu! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Preventing the Flu: Good Health Habits Can Help Stop Germs”

Is There a Difference Between “Looking” Fit and “Being” Fit?

When it comes to fitness, fitness doesn’t have one particular look—it looks different for everyone. Fitness varies across body types.

It’s been said many times by now that “looking” fit and “being” fit are two different things, yet it serves as a great reminder to keep your fitness perspective in check. Possessing accurate fitness knowledge will only assist you with achieving your fitness goals.

Jeff White Fitness Solutions offers an all-inclusive approach to wellness, which fosters optimizing every aspect of health—physical, mental, and spiritual health. This tripartite solution imparts a real fitness critique of maintaining a healthy diet to keep your body properly nourished and fully energized.

You need to develop the mindset of an athlete. All successful athletes understand that they have to be properly nourished in order to stay fueled and sustain their fitness goals. Contrary to popular belief, achieving fitness isn’t all about self-deprivation. Your intake matters just as much, if not more than your “outtake.”

Instead of trying to look fit, do the things that will actually make you fit!

WATCH my fitness video (below) and let’s talk real fitness solutions! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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Health Tip: Dealing with Childhood Obesity

Today’s health tip deals with childhood obesity.

In my new book, “The 3 Pillars of Strength,” you learn that, in recent years, the prevalence of childhood obesity has increasingly become a major health risk in children and has more than tripled since 1971. According to the American Heart Association, it’s currently the Number 1 health concern among parents in the United States.

It’s important as parents that we remain preventative when it comes to our children’s health. We can start by considering our own habits, and how they’re affecting them. We have to train our kids early to practice healthy eating habits and to exercise regularly. The sooner, the better.

WATCH my fitness video (below) and let’s figure out ways to protect our children’s health and combat childhood obesity! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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How Old Are You REALLY?

What’s the Difference Between Your Body’s Chronological and Biological Age?

Is age really just a number? Or is it a state of mind? Or is it both? Are you really as young as you feel? And if so, why? What really defines age?

There are several ways to classify age—(most familiarly) chronologically, biologically, psychologically, functionally, and socially. In this case, we will only be comparing chronological and biological age difference. jeff_aging

First, your chronological age describes “the number of years a person has lived,” and biological age is a “description of an individual’s development based on biomarkers.” What are biomarkers? According to News Medical, biomarkers are “biological measures of a biological state.” In essence, your biological age (or “fitness age”) describes the state of your body tissue—good or bad—, which determines your overall fitness level.

Did You Know?: Despite what your birth certificate says, biologically, you could be younger? Or older?

WATCH one of my latest fitness videos and learn how you can lower (or protect) your biological age by committing to a healthy diet and lifestyle! Search now and you can find out your biological age online! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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Sources: Dr. Ananya Mandal, MD, “What is a Biomarker?”; Cathy Johnson, “How Old Are You Really?”

Money Is Not the Answer

We all know how important money is. We need money to meet our most basic needs and, ideally, to achieve status and wealth.

But ask yourself, how important is money? Are you willing to risk anything to get it? What cost are you willing to pay?

Some people are really desperate and will do just about anything to get money. Some will steal from their loved ones, and some will even steal your identity.

WATCH my fitness video (below) and learn how money isn’t the cure to all your problems! Find your true happiness by empowering yourself mentally and spiritually. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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Full Body Workout in Less Than 10 Minutes

Other than the most obvious benefit, which is time, shorter workouts are proving to match the benefits of longer workout routines. Many speculate that working out in short, intense spurts is just as good, or even better than exercising nonstop.

Members of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, “Several short workouts throughout the day are proven to be just as effective as one long duration workout.” (See sources below)

Many claim they don’t have the time nor space to exercise, but here is a routine you can do with minimal space and zero equipment that works out your entire body. How’s that for convenient?

WATCH below! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.


Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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Sources: Judi Brown, “The Science Behind Shorter Workouts”

Mental Fitness: Focus on the Top 25

According to Pastor Joel Osteen:

  • 25% of the people you meet will not like you and probably never will
  • 25% of the people you meet will not like you but could be persuaded to
  • 25% of the people you meet will like you but could be persuaded not to
  • 25% of the people you meet will like you and always be there

Of all the people you encounter in life, the opinion that matters most is yours. Don’t waste your time trying to get people to like you or trying to convince them that you’re a great person. Also, don’t waste time putting off things you’ve always wanted to do for fear of being judged or ridiculed by others.

As humans, we all desire to be accepted and liked by others. Whether we exhibit this desire in our actions or internally suppress it in our subconscious, at some point we’re compelled to seek validation outside our ourselves. This could show up in our most intimate relationships, like the ones with our spouses/significant others or our children. It could even reflect in our professional relationships, as with our colleagues or supervisors.

Whatever the case, a part of being a self-determined individual and realizing your fitness goals rely on your ability to affirm yourself. The twenty-five percent of people who “will like you and always be there” comprise your “Top 25.” Treat these relationships as a means of social and moral support to help you reach your goals.

WATCH one of my latest fitness videos (below) and learn more about the Top 25 in your life! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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Say “No” to the Sedentary Lifestyle!

Not counting sleep, how often do you think you sit on an average day? 5 hours? 6 hours? 10 hours? Or more?!

As we discussed earlier this month, sitting too much throughout the day can be dangerous to your health. Those who live a sedentary lifestyle are at an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and premature death.

Luckily, there are ways to counteract the damaging effect it has on your body. The Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology recently published findings that suggest two minutes of light-intensity exercise, such as walking, can offset the fatal health risks of prolonged sitting.

WATCH one of my latest fitness videos (below) and learn more about how you can walk away from the “sitting disease”—literally! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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For more information, visit our previous blog: 2-Minute Walk Decreases Chance of Premature Death

Sources: Jeff Halevy, “How Bathroom Trips Save Lives“

What’s Your Body Type?

There are three distinct body types, as we discussed before, and knowing yours will play an important role in assessing your fitness goals and, ultimately, realizing your potential.

  • Ectomorph- Ectomorphs have slimmed bones, long limbs, very little body fat, and very little muscle. Ballerinas, supermodels, and basketball players often fall into this category due to their delicately built frames.
  • Endomorph- Endomorphs have round, soft, and curvy bodies, having the opposite characteristics of ectomorphs. They have slow metabolisms, gain fat easily, and have a hard time losing weight. They often have large frames, with hips that tend to be wider than their shoulders, creating a pear-shaped physique.
  • Mesomorph- Mesomorphs are characterized as athletic, strong, compact, and naturally lean with excellent posture. Often, their shoulders are wider than their hips. Mesomorphs are natural athletes and tend to be lean and muscular without trying. They’re known for having a “medium” build.

WATCH one of my latest fitness videos (below) and learn more about the different body types and how they play a key role in fitness! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.


Don’t forget to get your copy of my NEWLY released fitness guide, The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness. Order your copy TODAY by clicking the link below!

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