Beauty Comes From Within, Not the Media!

At this point, you can see that there’s more to being physically fit than just working out.  Nutrition, age, and rest play a significant part.  Knowing your body type (ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph) is an important part of becoming the best you can be physically, as well as helping you keep your goals (and results) realistic. beautywithinjeffwhite

In addition to the physical aspect of working out, the mental aspect is just as important.  It’s imperative that people remember that and work on their mental fitness as they work on their physical fitness.

In other words, it’s important to be comfortable with who you are and accept the body type you are given.   If you’re not comfortable in your own skin, have self-hatred or a negative body image, it’s practically impossible to be the best you can be.

We ALL have flaws. We ALL have a certain body part or feature we don’t like about ourselves.  Personally, I have sensitive skin, and I’m prone to breakouts.  But instead of dwelling on my imperfections, I work to make them better, while at the same time accepting them and not beating myself up for not being “perfect,” or being envious of someone who I feel has better skin than I do.

The lack of diverse images in the media can have a tremendous effect on a person’s self-esteem, how they see themselves, and how OTHERS view them as well.  How difficult is it to be motivated to look your best by exercising and living a healthy lifestyle when those you see in the public eye don’t look like you, or aren’t considered attractive?

It’s very difficult to be the best person you can be if you base your beauty on what you see in the media, as it is constantly changing.  You must be mentally strong and know that true beauty comes from WITHIN, not from a magazine editor’s opinion…

There is beauty in ALL shapes, sizes, and colors, but it’s not shown as much as it should. The media has its own agenda. Their primary goal is to make money, not to be morally responsible to the masses.

If a certain look or image will make money, that image will be what you see. It’s even more imperative we stop relying on the media for the standards of beauty because we are living in a technologically advanced age.  Our televisions, computers, cell phones, even our cars are extremely tech savvy.  These advances have made many of our lives easier, but there’s one aspect in which it has made it worse for quite a few of us.

Above information excerpted from Jeff White’s book, “The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness.”  order your cPayPal Buttonopy here!

The Happiness Diet: Eating for Health

Happiness truly starts from within. And in your journey to improve your mental, spiritual, and physical fitness health, it is important that you take inventory from time to time of your happiness, as your mood can make or break your efforts to live a better life. Jeff White Walnuts

So many people today are consuming diets that are hurting their health, as well as their mood. These diets include things like processed foods, alcohol, sodas and artificial sweeteners that can affect the chemicals balances in the brain, which have the potential to trigger depression.  Fortunately, on the flip side, there are foods believed to help restore the brain’s chemical balances to a more normal state.

Many of the foods we eat when stressed or upset (comfort foods) may taste good, but actually they make us feel worse in the long run.  The more anxious or depressed a person is, the more they may reach for that ice cream or cookies, or alcohol to relax them or make them feel better.

Eating these foods could have a domino effect, meaning the results of eating too much over time could be a contributing cause of depression and other ailments such as hangovers, gaining weight, elevated blood pressure, diabetes and stomach problems such as ulcers, among others.

A person who is depressed might be lacking in certain nutrients and don’t even know it. The body needs extra tender loving care and nutrients when in this state, but instead of eating nutritious foods that will help, they eat junk food that could make their situation worse.

Some of the vitamins and nutrients that could be lacking in a person suffering from depression include vitamin C, vitamin B3 and B6, Magnesium, Omega 3, and Folic Acid.

It’s crucial you change your mind set when feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. Instead of reaching for that cookie or soda to feel better, try eating the foods listed above.   Eating a healthy diet is key when battling depression.

Below are specific foods in more detail that are known to have calming effects and are good for the mind:

Blueberries:  The vitamin C combined with the many other antioxidants contained in blueberries fight cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

  Almonds are rich in vitamins B2 and E. Both of these nutrients help bolster the immune system during times of stress.

Spinach is rich in magnesium, which helps regulate cortisol levels and promote feelings of well-being.

Dark chocolate:  Dark chocolate helps to release serotonin and relaxes the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system.

If you’re suffering from depression, it’s critical that you take a hard look at your diet. The foods you eat may play a major role in your illness and a change in the foods you eat may be just what you need.
Above information excerpted from Jeff White’s book, “The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness.” Get Your Copy Here!

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The Real Expense of Health

It’s a common misconception that in order to eat really healthy and be the best you you can be, you need to spend a lot of money. You don’t NEED money to be the best you can be. healthandmoney

This confusion comes about due to people’s expectations, largely influenced by media and society. They feel they must attain a certain level of success or stature to be happy.  If they don’t reach it, they’re not happy, and if a person isn’t happy, how can they can be spiritually at peace, mentally motivated, and physically fit?

There is no price tag on clean arteries or being free of disease. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on organic groceries and clean juices to lose weight. You just need to know what is worth spending money on (a gym membership, a health book, etc.) so that you are making wise investments that will benefit your overall health and well-being.

It is also important to recognize that making a lot of money is not going to be make you the best version of yourself possible. However, the right mindset and health status CAN. Money can be lost; sometimes for reasons you can’t control. However what you can control is your health, and when you learn how to reach your mental, spiritual and physical fitness goals, the rest will fall seamlessly into place.

Learn to be happy NOW. Don’t let your spiritual and mental fitness be dictated by something that could be  taken from you in a blink of an eye  in a bad investment deal, tax audits, bad loans, or simply because you spent more than you had!

You are MUCH MORE than your bank account.  Money can come and go, but the things money can’t buy such as your health, self-respect, TRUE friends, and waking up in the morning are what’s most important.

If you want to be wealthy and successful, by all means go for it!  I know I am!   But never forget that you are still rich with or without a large bank account!

If you are unhappy, there is a large chance that the problem isn’t with the number in your bank account, but rather the quality of your thoughts and physical health. So what can you do to improve those areas? This is exactly what my new book 3 Pillars of Strength is written to help you with. I cover everything from getting in the right mindset to working out, what fads and trends to avoid, to how to eat right for your body, and set realistic expectations for meeting each and everyone of your fitness goals.

Above information excerpted from Jeff White’s book, “The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness.”  Pre-order your cPayPal Buttonopy here!


A Dose of Mental Motivation

One of the toughest parts about meeting your physical fitness goals is simply finding the motivation to get started. It is easy to hope and dream for something, but putting in the time and effort required to actually make those dreams a reality is a lot easier said than done. But, as my soon to be released book The 3 Pillars of Strength, points out, improving your mental fitness is key to making your physical fitness goals beneficial.

Jeff White Fitness Solutions

If you find yourself lacking motivation to get to the gym, one of the reasons could be that it is because you are discouraged by your lack or results or progress. But please keep in mind that great things simply do not happen overnight. Everyone is different, and the results you experience will be unique and specific to your own journey. Comparison is the death of progress!

We’re supposed to eat a healthy diet every day for our physical health, and that same rational should be used for our mental health as well.  We are bombarded with negative thoughts, images, and people daily.  It is imperative that you balance out the negativity with as much positive energy you can.

Starting Your Day with Motivation

To stay motivated in your fitness journey, it is helpful to start your day with positive thoughts. This will set the tone for how the rest of your day will go, and can make or break your efforts in the gym! In my book, one of the many pieces of insight and information I provide throughout the chapters are strategies for re-framing your mindset into a place that will allow you to succeed in your physical, mental and spiritual transformation. One chapter I have dedicated solely to motivating quotes that will give you that extra push you need. Below are the first two, just to give you a taste:

“Becoming the best you possible is the greatest achievement in life.” Constantly comparing yourself to others is a sure fire way to feel inadequate or even cause depression and low self-esteem. Your energy should be focused on bettering YOUR life, not worrying about what everyone else is doing!

“An entire sea of water can’t sick a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.” Work on your mental toughness! Stop LETTING things and people get under your skin. You become upset because you allow yourself to be. But not anymore! Those days are OVER!

When you have no one to motivate you or inspire you to keep going, read some inspirational quotes, stories, and messages.  They will give you that extra energy to keep going when you didn’t think you could. And, again, don’t let a lack of visible progress or results deter you from your end goal! Six months from now, you will have wish you started today.

Excepts from, “The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness.”  

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Book Release: It’s Time!

My first book release is right around the corner! It’s Time to get ready! To be the best you can be in life, it’s important to work on every aspect of fitness: physical, mental, and spiritual.

Check out an excerpt from the introduction of the book (below), coupled with a video letting you know what to expect with this life changing formula.

It’s time to be the best person you can be. It’s time for YOU to reach your FULL potential.

It’s time to tap into ALL your unique traits and talents that can propel you to greatness.

It’s time to face all the challenges and obstacles this world will throw at you with the quiet confidence that you CAN and WILL overcome.

It’s time to understand that you have the tools at your disposal to be the best you can be.

It’s time to realize that the ONLY thing really holding you back from achieving your dreams is YOU.

It’s time to realize that you are a very complex and intricate individual, and to perform at your best, you must work on ALL aspects of your life.

It’s time to believe WITHOUT A DOUBT that no matter who you are or what stage you are in life, you still have the ability to reach heights you never thought possible.

It’s time to put all your talents together to propel you to greatness!

Above information excerpted from Jeff White’s book, “The 3 Pillars of Strength: Increasing Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness.”  Pre-order your copy here!

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